Complete menu of restaurant Vodenica Kolasin!
Read complete menu of this enchanting restaurant located in the heart of small magical mountain city Kolasin! Enjoy national and local cuisine that will delight you. Welcome!
Pork smoked ham ........10,00 Eur
Beef smoked ham ........10,00 Eur
Cheese .........................4,00 Eur
Crema ..........................5,00 Eur
Season salad mixed ........2,00 Eur
(pepper, tomato, cucumber, cabbage)
Olives .............................1,00 Eur
Salad sopska ...................2,50 Eur
Pepper stuffed with.........3,00 Eur
Pepper in sour cream ......3,00 Eur
Main course
Soup ...............................2,00 Eur
Roasted lamb .................8,00 Eur
Roasted veal ...................7,00 Eur
Boiled lamb meat ............8,00 Eur
Meat in traditional mode ....7,00 Eur
Fried meat with potato .......6,00 Eur
Chicken fillet with potato ....7,00 Eur
Trout with potato ...............6,00 Eur
Omelette with cheese ........3,50 Eur
Omelette with prosciutto ...4,00 Eur
Sausage with potato ...........6,00 Eur
National specialties
Kacamak .....................7,00 Eur
(cheese, cream, potato, wheat flour)
Cicvara .......................7,00 Eur
(cheese, cream, potato, cornflour)
Popara .......................6,00 Eur
Homemade pie ..........12,00 Eur per 1200gr
Side dish
Potato .......................2,00 Eur
Beans ........................3,00 Eur
Sour milk ...................1,00 Eur
Milk ...........................1,00 Eur
Honey ........................1,00 Eur
Cakes .......................1,50 Eur
Pancakes .................2,50 Eur
Icecream .................0,50 Eur
Fruits .......................5,00 Eur per kg
You can book your table ONLINE via link below.