Menu of restaurant Konoba Nisavic in Kolasin

A real local, national restaurant with domestic cuisine, specialties and an atmosphere you will enjoy. Whether it's summer or winter, Kolasin offers a real vacation for body and soul. Below you can familiarize yourself with the menu of the national restaurant Konoba Nisavic which is located in main Kolasin square.

You can book your table via following link. You will receive confirmation within 45 minutes on your email or sms message.


  • Pork smoked ham (200 gr) – 10.00€
  • Beef smoked ham (200 gr) – 10.00€
  • Kolašin’s layered cheese (200 gr) – 6.00€
  • Kolašin’s cream (made of the cheese) (200 gr) – 7.00€


  • Veal cream soup (3 dl) – 3.70€
  • Vegetarian cream soup (3 dl) – 3.30€
  • Chicken soup (3 dl) – 3.50€

Main Dishes:

  • Kačamak (potatoes, cheese, cheese cream) (500 gr) – 10.00€
  • Cicvara / Palenta (corn flour, cheese, cheese cream) (500 gr) – 10.00€
  • Roast lamb (350 gr) – 15.00€
  • Veal roast (350 gr) – 14.00€
  • Pork roast (350 gr) – 13.00€
  • Pork meat in peasant manner (350 gr) – 10.00€
  • Fish grill (trout) (300 gr) – 10.00€
  • Pork meat cutlet grill (300 gr) – 9.00€
  • Chicken filet grill (300 gr) – 9.00€

Barbecue Meat:

  • Ćevapi / Kebab (300 gr) – 8.00€
  • Grilled sausage (300 gr) – 8.00€


  • Šopska salad (tomato, cucumber, pepper, cheese) (350 gr) – 3.00€
  • Sezonska salad (tomato, cucumber, green salad, cabbage) (300 gr) – 2.50€
  • Srpska salad (tomato, cucumber, pepper, onion) (300 gr) – 3.00€
  • Pickled vegetables (300 gr) – 3.00€
  • Roasted peppers (300 gr) – 3.50€
  • Sauerkraut (300 gr) – 2.50€
  • Cabbage (300 gr) – 2.00€
  • Olives (200 gr) – 2.00€
  • Tomato (300 gr) – 2.50€
  • Cucumber (300 gr) – 2.50€


  • Popara (made of bread, cheese and cheese cream) (500 gr) – 4.50€
  • Priganice (small Montenegrin donuts with jam and chocolate) (10 pieces) – 3.00€
  • Priganice with cheese (10 pieces) – 5.50€
  • Priganice with honey (10 pieces) – 3.50€
  • Omelet with cheese (250 gr) – 3.50€
  • Omelet with pork smoked ham (250 gr) – 4.00€
  • Omelet with bacon (250 gr) – 3.20€
  • Omelet with vegetables (250 gr) – 3.70€
  • Kolašin’s breakfast (beef smoked ham with cheese cream) (250 gr) – 4.30€
  • Montenegrin sausage with 3 eggs (250 gr) – 3.70€


  • Crepes (jam, sweet cream, honey, walnuts, sugar, cookie) (300 gr) – 3.00€
  • Crepes with Nutella (300 gr) – 3.50€
  • Cake of the day (150 gr) – 2.50€
  • Apple Strudel (150 gr) – 2.50€

National restaurant "Konoba NISAVIC"

icon Kolašin ● Vukmana Kruscica square 14 icon Cuisine ● National cuisine