About us
One of the most attractive and lively restaurants in Podgorica, completely located outside the city noise and crowd, definitely is restaurant ''Imanje Knjaz''. We are situated at well-known excursion site ''Mareza''. ''Imanje Knjaz'' is distinguished place in nature, made for enjoyment in great food and delicious specialties. In our area you can enjoy anytime, during the summer in shade with nature melodies and sounds, water grit and birds twitter, during the winter with crackling in the fireplace, no matter if you are having the morning coffee, lunch or dinner with friends, family and business associates.Menu

Working hours
- Monday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Tuesday 00:00h - 00:00h
- Wednesday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Thursday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Friday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Saturday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Sunday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Monday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Tuesday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Wednesday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Thursday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Friday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Saturday 08:00h - 00:00h
- Sunday 08:00h - 00:00h
Promotions and events
Restaurants suggestions for every occasion
National restaurants
Jedini problem su macke koje setaju ne samo napolju, po basti, nego uskacu i unutra u restoran. Proslegodine sam slavila rodjendan u 'Knjazu'. Iako je bio kraj aprila, odmah smo otisli da sjednemo unutra, u restoran, buduci da sam alergicna na macke. No, pocele su da ulaze unutra, a na moj komentar da mackama nije mjesto unutra , kelner je rekao da je to njihov macak, odomaceni miljenik. Kad se miljenik popeo na susjedni prazan sto, mi smo otisli ne zavrsivsi rucak. To je na zalost moje iskustvo i pored toga sto je restoran divan, hrana sjajna, mislim da im je ovo veliki kiks. Zivotinje ne smiju biti unutar objekta pogotovo u restoranu visoke klase!
Zorka Kovacevic
2018-09-29 14:15:42
Srneći gulaš ne vrhunska stvar. Topla preporuka.
2018-11-26 15:20:56
Definitivno najbolja usluga u gradi i najbolje mjesta za organizovanje vjencanja i proslava!
Milos Podgorica
2019-02-27 20:48:10
The best environment in Podgorica and excellent wine selection! Greetings from Turkey :)
2019-04-05 13:06:31